Case study: Energy in Usti region

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Power plants in CR and Usti region[editovat | editovat zdroj]

Consequences: air pollution[editovat | editovat zdroj]

Other resources[editovat | editovat zdroj]

  • Ladysz, J. (2006). Chosen aspects of sustainable development on the Polish, Czech and German borderland. GeoJournal, 67(1), 1–7.
  • Fanta, J. (1997). Rehabilitating degraded forests in Central Europe into self-sustaining forest ecosystems. Ecological Engineering, 8(4), 289–297.
  • Godzik, S., & Sienkiewicz, J. (1990). Air pollution and forest health in central Europe: Poland, Czechoslovakia, and the German Democratic Republic. Ecological Risks—*Perspectives from Poland and the United States, 155–70.
  • Matschullat, J., & Bozau, E. (1996). Atmospheric element input in the Eastern Ore Mountains. Applied geochemistry, 11(1-2), 149–154. PDF (1046 K)
  • Cerny, J. (1995). Recovery of acidified catchments in the extremely polluted Krusne Hory Mountains, Czech Republic. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 85(2), 589–594.