Black Triangle case study
Concepts of capital in different contexts[editovat | editovat zdroj]
Situation on the Czech side of the border[editovat | editovat zdroj]
- Case study: Historical mining in the Ore mountains
- Case study: Brown coal mining in the Usti region
- Case study: The Battle for Jezeří Chateau
- Case study: The Life and Near Death of Jezeří Chateau Under the Czechoslovak Communist Regime
- Related information see also Knowledge base for Ore Mountains case study
Actors in Ore mountains & Most region[editovat | editovat zdroj]
- Overview of actors in this case
- Case study methodology as it was used for this particular case.
Resources[editovat | editovat zdroj]
- Barton, A., & Dlouhá, J., (eds). Multi-Actor Learning for Sustainable Regional Development in Europe: A Handbook of Best Practice. Guildford: Grosvenor House Publishing Ltd.; 2011. [online] [cit. 2011-06-18] Available from
- Environmental Change Hotspots. (21st of October 2014). United Nations Environment Programme. Available from:
- Zimmermann, A., Maennling, C. (2007). Mainstreaming participation. Multi-stakeholder management: Tools for Stakeholder Analysis. Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH, Eschborn
Academic articles (Germany & Poland)[editovat | editovat zdroj]
Demshuk, A. (2012). Reinscribing Schlesien as Śląsk: Memory and mythology in a postwar German-Polish Borderland. History & Memory, 24(1), 39-86.
Helios Rybicka, E. (1996). Impact of mining and metallurgical industries on the environment in Poland. Applied Geochemistry, 11(1), 3-9.
Hold, M. (n.d.) “Shaping the multicultural society of Lower Silesia after the Second World War exemplified by the case of Dobroszyce”, Journal of Education Culture and Society. [online]. Available from
Kamusella, T. D. (1999). Ethnic cleansing in Silesia 1950-89 and the ennationalizing policies of Poland and Germany. Patterns of prejudice, 33(2), 51-73.
Kamusella, T. (2003). Dual Citizenship in Opole, Silesia in the Context of European Integration. FACTA UNIVERSITATIS-Series Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology and History, (10), 699-716.
Krümmelbein, J., Bens, O., Raab, T., & Anne Naeth, M. (2012). A history of lignite coal mining and reclamation practices in Lusatia, eastern Germany.Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 92(1), 53-66.
Kulczycki, J. J. (2001). The National Identity of the 'Natives' of Poland's' Recovered Lands'. National Identities, 3(3), 205-219.
Ladysz, J. (2006). Chosen aspects of sustainable development on the Polish, Czech and German borderland. GeoJournal, 67(1), 1-7.
Madziarz, M. (2013). “Historical ore mining sites in Lower Silesia (Poland) as geo-tourism attraction”, Acta Geoturistica. [online]. Available from
Pavlínek, P., & Pickles, J. (Eds.). (2000). Environmental transitions: Transformation and ecological defense in Central and Eastern Europe. Psychology Press.
Renner, E. (2002). The Black Triangle Area-Fit for Europe? Numerical Air Quality Studies for the Black Triangle Area. AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment, 31(3), 231-235.
Thaler, P. (1997). A Bridge Lost-Interethnicites along the German-Polish Border. International Migration Review, 694-703.
Von Braun, F. (1964). Germany's Eastern Border and Mass Expulsions.
Project pages[editovat | editovat zdroj]
RESOURCE post-mining in Central Europe project
RESOURCE Book: Post-Mining Regions in Central Europe
RESOURCE resources
Mountain Voices – Oral Testimony Programme (Poland)
Photos and movies[editovat | editovat zdroj]
Movie Black Triangle: Eastern Europe see description at:
Black Triangle or photos by Josef Koudelka:
Newspaper/media articles[editovat | editovat zdroj]
Stutz, Bruce. (spring 2005). Europe's Black Triangle Turns Green, OneEarth, Available from:
Lydersen, L. (2012). "Germany Continues to Expand Brown Coal Mines Despite Its Commitment Clean Energy", Earth Island Journal. [online]. Available from:
Chambers, M. (2014) "German state allows Vattenfall to expand brown coal mining", Reuters. [online]. Available from:
Smee. J. (2010). "Extreme Makeover: The Watery Future of East Germany's Coal Mines", Spiegel Online. [online]. Available from:
Winter, S. (2007). "Rich Seams: The Fight Over East Germany's Brown Coal Reserves", Speigel Online. [online]. Available from:
Pearce, F. (2014). "On the Road to Green Energy, Germany Detours on Dirty Coal", Environment360. [online]. Available from:
The IBA Lausitz – A Laboratory for New Landscapes: promoting new uses for old monuments of the industrial age (n.d.), Available from:
The Economist (2013). “Angela Merkel's voters in Lower Silesia”. [online]. Available from