Actors in Ore mountains & Most region

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Verze z 16. 1. 2025, 09:51, kterou vytvořil Admin (diskuse | příspěvky) (založena nová stránka s textem „150 px|right "The term “stakeholder” has a variety of meanings; it includes the notion of “participant” or “involved party”, as well as that of “recipient” and “responsible party” in the context of development interventions. In German language usage, the term “stakeholders” is rendered succinctly by the word “Akteure”, or “actors”. Presently, the term “Akteur” is gradually beginning to repla…“)
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"The term “stakeholder” has a variety of meanings; it includes the notion of “participant” or “involved party”, as well as that of “recipient” and “responsible party” in the context of development interventions. In German language usage, the term “stakeholders” is rendered succinctly by the word “Akteure”, or “actors”. Presently, the term “Akteur” is gradually beginning to replace designations such as “target group”, “partner” and “intermediary”. In the following the terms “stakeholder” and “actors” are used synonymously." [1]

Actors from e-learning module ISPoS 2012 outcome

Key actors identified by students:

Summer school 2011 role play groups


  1. Zimmermann, A., Maennling, C. (2007). Mainstreaming participation, Multi-stakeholder management: tools for stakeholder analysis, 10 building blocks for designing participatory systems of cooperation. From the series: Promoting participatory development in German development cooperation. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH. Available from:

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