Czech Republic - background information

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Verze z 16. 1. 2025, 09:28, kterou vytvořil Admin (diskuse | příspěvky) (založena nová stránka s textem „== Geography CR == The Czech Republic -  - a brief description of the most salient facts about the Czech Republic, including history, politics, geography, the economy, demographics, and culture. == Regional info == North Bohemian Basin - - description of the North Bohemian Basin rich in coal deposits and which lies at the foot of the Ore Mounta…“)
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Geography CR[editovat | editovat zdroj]

The Czech Republic -  - a brief description of the most salient facts about the Czech Republic, including history, politics, geography, the economy, demographics, and culture.

Regional info[editovat | editovat zdroj]

North Bohemian Basin - - description of the North Bohemian Basin rich in coal deposits and which lies at the foot of the Ore Mountains (Czech). There is also a short description available in English.

The Czechoslovak Army Mine - - a description of the Czechoslovak Army Mine, which is an open cast lignite mine that lies at the foot of the Ore Mountains and which is one of the biggest coal mines in the country. The English version is more comprehensive.

Mining limits in North Bohemia - - a description of the existing territorial limits of brown coal mining operations in North Bohemia and the mining lobby is seeking to expand. The English is far more comprehensive than the Czech version.

The Ore Mountains - - a brief description of the most salient facts about the Ore Mountains, including geography, history, nature, economy, tourism, etc., covering both the German and Czech sides of the border.

Ústí nad Labem - - a short list of facts about the city of Usti nad Labem (German: Aussig), which is the capital of the Usti region where the Ore Mountains are located on the Czech side of the border.

The Ústí Region - - basic facts about the Usti region, including the main towns.

Hora Svaté Kateřiny - - basic facts and a map of the township of Hora Svate Kateriny where the ISPoS summer school takes place.

Horní Jiřetín - - basic facts about the township of Horni Jiretin, which lies at the bottom of the Czech side of the Ore Mountains and which facts potential destruction as a result of future breaches of the current mining limits near the town.

Most - - basic facts about the city of Most, which was demolished in the 1960s-1980s in order to extract the coal beneath, and then rebuilt as a model socialist city.

Panelák - - an explanation of 'panelak', which is the ubiquitous communist-era apartment building found everywhere in the Czech Republic and whose name derives from the pre-fabricated concrete panels used in their construction. The new city of Most is mostly built with panelaks.

Rudolice nad Bílinou - - a brief description of the Most city quarter of Rudolice nad Bilinou, which built exclusively to house the Romany population of the city.

Litvínov - - basic facts about the town of Litvinov, which is linked to the city of Most by tram and has a high proportion of Romany inhabitants.

Environment CR[editovat | editovat zdroj]

Czech Environmental Information Agency -$pid/CENMSFVZ8VR3 -  in Czech, but with a Google translate facility.