Klimatická změna a ekonomie
Ekonomické dopady editovat
- The Economics of Climate Change
- Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change - Stern Review Report
- The Economic and Social Dimensions of Climate Change -IPCC Working Group III: Summary for Policymakers
Scénáře rozvoje editovat
Obchodování s emisními povoleními editovat
Uhlíková daň editovat
- Carbon tax
- Hybrid systems of permits and user fees (e.g. the Brookings McKibbin-Wilcoxen Blueprint)
Podnikatelské přístupy editovat
Odkazy editovat
Externí odkazy editovat
Literatura editovat
- Economic Effects of Climate Change
- In addition you can find more info on climate change and it's effects on world economies: Impact, Vulnerabilities and Adaptation on Developing Countries
- The Economics of Global Climate Change
- The Impact of Climate Change on the Development Prospect of the Least Developed Countries and Small Island Developing States