*[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portal:Ore_Mountains Portal: Ore Mountains] on Wikipedia
**[http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portal:Erzgebirge Portal: Ore Mountains on German Wikipedia]
*[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Most_District Most District]
*[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ore_Mountains_(Central_Europe) Ore Mountains]
*A history of the Litvínov region http://litvinov.sator.eu/kategorie/krusnohori - contains mainly articles about various aspects (but mostly history) of the Ore Mountain region (cz with automatic translation)
*The Ore Mountains in the Most region http://rangiroa.sweb.cz/index.html (cz) - descriptions of attractive sites in the Most region, particularly hikers and people interested in the natural environment around this part of the Ore Mountains.<br>
Mining industry – social effects
*The Czech Coal Group http://www.czechcoal.cz/en/profil/skupina/region.html (en) - the official website of the chief mining concern in the Ore Mountain region, including how it perceives its relationship to the region.<br>
Mining industry - corruption scandals
*Respekt Magazine http://respekt.ihned.cz/respekt-in-english/c1-53501660-commentary-how-the-billions-were-mined - an article about murky dealings behind the sale of the Most Coal Company in the 1990s.
*A choronological list of media articles relating to the corruption scandal surrounding the sale of Mostecka uhelna spolecnost (MUS) http://www.ceskapozice.cz/hot-top/mostecka-uhelna?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=hottop (Czech version) and http://www.ceskapozice.cz/en/tag/mostecka-uhelna-spolecnost-mus (English version)
Civil society and political participation
*Howard, M. M. The Weakness of Post-Communist Civil Society. Journal of Democracy, 2002, V13:1. http://www18.georgetown.edu/data/people/mmh/publication-7320.pdf
*Carmin, J. NGOs and Public Participation in Local Environmental Decision-Making in the Czech Republic. Local Environment, Vol. 8, No. 5, pp. 541–552, October 2003. http://ehis.ebscohost.com/eds/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?sid=9aa31ce4-caf4-4823-85a3-dada2593ae73%40sessionmgr4&vid=2&hid=4
*Rakušanová, P. Civil Society and Civic Participation in the Czech Republic. Sociologický ústav Akademie věd České republiky, 2005. http://studie.soc.cas.cz/upl/texty/files/229_05-5%20zformatovany%20text%204%20pro%20tisk.pdf
*Extinct Villages - http://www.zanikleobce.cz/index.php? (cz, de) - information about all the villages and buildings that have disappeared in the Czech Republic since 1945, including many that were destroyed in the Ore Mountain region as mining operations expanded.<br>
*Rediscovered Ore Mountains/Das wiederentdeckte Erzgebirge http://www.znkr.cz (cz, de) (incl. Schriftgut, Interactive Karte etc.) - a community website for people living in or interested in the Ore Mountains, including many photos by Petr Mikšíček<br>
*Ethnic Cleansing, Communism, and Environmental Devastation in Czechoslovakia’s Borderlands, 1945–1989 http://www.czp.cuni.cz/vcsewiki/images/9/92/Ethnic_cleansing%2C_Communism_%26_Environmental_Devastation.pdf (en) - an academic article (but very easy to read) by Eagle Glassheim, The Journal of Modern History 78 (March 2006): 65–92<br>
*People and Land http://www.lideazeme.cz/clanek/krusny-raj (cz) - an article in this popular travel magazine by Petr Mikšíček about the recent history of the Ore Mountains from the pre-war changes and population expulsions to restoration of the natural beauty of the region and establishment of wind turbine stations.<br>
*Cros-border mining trail http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grenz%C3%BCberschreitender_Bergbaulehrpfad (cz, de, en) - information about a 40km long education trail through the eastern Ore Mountains detailing the mining history of the region<br>
*The Czech Ore Mountains http://www.alte-salzstrasse.de/index.php?id=boemischeserzgebirge&L=3 (cz, de) - a series of articles about different aspects of the Czech Ore Mountains for tourists from the different names for the region to the geological interests of the old salt road through the mountains to landscape and life in the mountains.<br>
{{Licence cc|Jana Dlouhá, Andrew Barton}}
[[Category:Ore Mountains case study]]